The motor rotation direction is different only in the three phase motor pumps (400 volt).
Switch on the power and, on three-phase versions, check that the motor is turning in the right direction,
that is clockwise when viewed from the fan side. Otherwise invert any two phase leads, after having disconnected the pump from the mains.
With the pump running, check the supply voltage at the motor terminals, which must not differ from the rated value by +/- 5%.
With the unit at regular running speed, check that the current absorbed by the motor does not exceed the value on the data plate.

The KLME, KLPE / DKLME, DKLPE are KLM, KLP / DKLM, DKLP pumps with the MCE-C inverter installed as a standard feature. We therefore invite you to read the manual of the inverter (also available in our DNA software) for all the necessary information.