DTraining is the training institution created to develop and spread the knowledge on water displacement technologies.
The excellence of Italian industry, the new yielding technologies and a team of experts able to give trainings in 6 different languages: all of this makes DTraining the feather in the cap for the education in DAB’s world.
Highly qualifi ed resources work everyday shoulder to shoulder with DAB’s sales force, to let research and technology merge in DTraining together with knowledge of the market, proved by the success achieved in the field for over 40 years.
DTraining is capable of giving a customized and modular teaching proposal, including frontal lectures, visits in the production sites, opensource seminars and on-line sessions.

Keith Tonello
Group DTraining & Service Manager
• Introduction to the DAB world
Overview on the main basic concepts that characterize a pump operation and the main constructive elements of a pump. Quick look on the range of products (price list and catalogue) and relevant applications. Practical experience with electronic products on working demo units. Factory visit.
• Theoretical analysis
Basics on mechanics and electronics related to pump technology with a particular focus on constructive solutions for the different types of pumps. Examples of applications in systems. Comfort and energy saving in the world of pumps
• Product course
Dedicated presentations for each of DAB products and practical demonstration on operation and parameter setting procedures, using dedicated demo units.
• Waste water tanks for domestic use
Understanding in detail the various methods of control of a pre-assembled pumping station for wastewater that can be implemented through the new control panel. Illustration of settings and advanced configuration for optimum control of the entire system.
• Fire-fighting course
Recalls on the main applicable national and European regulations in force. Characterization of plant elements with the analysis of the salient points of the existing system regulations in the field of active water protection installations. Overview on the range of DAB products complying with UNI EN 12845 and UNI 10779 standards
• Drilling and submerged pumps
Energy efficiency of heating systems with nods to European standard ERP reference. Design criteria of the systems and the selection of pumps based on the calculation of the real building heat requirement. New technological solutions to drive with particular attention to the types of regulation and the correct setting of the circulation pumps based on the type of system adopted. Overview on the features of the various product classes
• VSD pressurization course
Analysis of the advantages in terms of comfort and energy saving deriving from the use of pumps for pressurizing water, driven by VSD systems, with particular attention to the realization of multi-pump groups both domestic and industrial. Overview on the features of the various product classes
• Civil waste water systems
Residential and commercial applications: fundamentals of sewage collection systems and sizing of in-flow and out-flow for a correct choice of submersible pumps and collection tanks. Guidelines for the choice of solutions like for the pumps (including the new FK range) and control panels
• Drilling and submerged pumps
Introduction to drilling techniques and criteria for the correct selection of suitable borehole pumps. Technical study on the entire range of submersible pumps from 3 to 14 inches
Overview on the software and hardware elements that implement a BMS system with focus on the control of devices for HVAC applications with particular attention to the MODBUS/LONBUS protocols. Example configuration with pump Evoplus
DAB also invests in the digitalisation of training, to provide a service that helps its customers to keep their professional skills up to date with times and technological developments.
The new DLearning portal is based on contents designed by experts, and conceived to ensure standard learning procedures and simple, fun and intuitive user experience.
The training paths change based on actual needs: in addition to structured training available at any time and any place, an on-demand training service with direct broadcasting and custom content capable of meeting the different personal needs will also be available.
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