
Energy requalification with EVOPLUS
Where: Italy
Channel: Residential Building Service
Applications: Hot water
Products: Evoplus San, Evoplus

The San Giuseppe Institute is a Residential Health Care Facility located in Villa d'Adda (BG), accredited by the Lombardy Region for the reception of non-self-sufficient elderly people.

The project involved the redevelopment of the heating system and the ACS (domestic hot water) production system, with the installation of 10 EVOPLUS and 4 EVOPLUS SAN.

Thanks to the new DAB EVOPLUS hot water circulation pump with integrated Inverter Technology to adapt the motor speed to the system's needs and reduce energy consumption, it was possible to improve the building's energy efficiency and guarantee continuous and reliable service.

DAB Pumps' Evoplus SAN water circulation pumps are specifically designed for healthcare applications, for civil and industrial systems. His new digital display for adjusting settings and the integrated diagnostics allow a quick product configuration and an easy maintenance.